General President William Hale represented the Fraternity and delivered the following comment: “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmaments showeth his handiwork. George and Ira Gershwin commissioned George Biddle to illustrate the libretto for Porgy and Bess. Together. He conducted a tax consulting practice. The Fraternity has truly lost a worthy Founder and one whose chief thought was for its progress.”. 16-1772170. George Biddle Kelley Education Foundation Inc Albany, NY | Born to Richard and Mathilda Decker Kelley, George was the grandson of one of the most cultured and We chose Alpha Phi Alpha for men, regardless of family, for what they themselves are doing, what they can do for the future of the Fraternity. There he would become one of the seven founding members of Alpha Phi Alpha, the oldest Greek letter fraternity organized originally for black men. Memorial ID. Chartered member of Washington's Mu Lambda Chapter : Educator at Armstrong Vocational High School in Washington D.C. Yet had it not been for the urgent protest of “Jewel George Biddle Kelley…our shield might have been despoiled by the insertion of an instrument of communications in use by natives of Africa as proposed. If you would like to participate, you can edit the article attached to this page, visit the Five of the seven founders were reunited in Cincinnati for the Silver Jubilee Convention in 1931. Senator Jacob Javits and numerous others. His father migrated from Virginia as a fugitive slave during the Civil War, and his mother came from a long line of distinguished Hudson River citizens who were established in Newburgh, New York. Entered Omega Chapter in 1959: Robert Harold Ogle. He worked as an engineer in the private industry and was employed as an engineer for the New York Engineering Department. J. Clinton Hoggard. on July 28, 1884, George Biddle Kelley was born to Richard and Mathilda Decker Kelley. Well meaning brothers, but brothers wholly unfamiliar with some of the fundamental of Alpha Phi Alpha, propose many things in our convention foreign to this Fraternity. Mission. Education Foundation. George Biddle Kelley (GBK) Education Foundation, Albany, NY. To me that is deplorable. He also concurred that the Founder’s address be discontinued and that a Founder’s Memorial Address be given by an undergraduate. His father migrated from Virginia as a fugitive slave during the Civil War, and his … Jewel Kelley was the guest founder at the Thirty- third General Convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1947. He would later create the first ritual along with Jewel Robert Harold Ogle. He would return to Troy … He pondered if the ideas and purposes for which he and the others helped to establish the fraternity were still present: After 29 years, I find that the undergraduates have a very small part in the affairs of the fraternity and are so outnumbered by the Alumni and graduate brothers that they are looked upon with tolerance if they venture to raise their voice and protest against the passage of certain laws which they later have to accept. George Kelley (American football) (before 1880–after 1901), American college coach. In 1908, George Biddle Kelley graduated from Cornell University's College of Civil Engineering. George Biddle Kelley (1884-1962) engineer, Alpha Phi Alpha cofounder, Troy NAACP cofounder. The artist spent May and June in Charleston, where he produced a large folio of drawings of the local people involved in everyday activities from which the illustrations for the libretto of … Born in Troy, NY and attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute briefly before attending Cornell, George B. Kelley graduate with his bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Cornell in 1908. The members of the literary society were very active in the community of Ithaca, participating in programs at the nearby African Methodist Epsicopal Zion Church. WHO WE ARE. Working as one team, we create positive change for our youth. New Mount Ida Cemetery. Kelley attended the Troy Military Academy, a military preparatory school. GBK Foundation volunteers are an important part of our organization. Not only was he the strongest proponent of the Fraternity idea among the organization’s founders, the civil engineering student also became Alpha Chapter’s first President. Jewel Kelley, though born and steeped in the traditions of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, converted and was ordained an Elder at the Liberty Presbyterian Church. Kelley attended the Troy Military Academy, a military preparatory school. Jewel Kelley gave the Annual Address and congratulated the organization for its growth and the scope of work through the new chapters which had been formed. I was told once a man was rejected because of his color. Jewel George Biddle Kelley was born in 1884 to Richard and Mathilda Kelley. “Alpha needs Quality not Quantity” — George Biddle Kelley, 1924 (18th General Convention) In the small town of Troy, New York, on July 28, 1884, George Biddle Kelley was born to Richard and Mathilda Decker Kelley. Major General William Phillips Biddle (December 15, 1853 – February 24, 1923) was the 11th Commandant of the United States Marine Corps.. Kelley was appointed treasurer of the literary group which evolved from the gatherings. He resided in Troy, New York and was active with Beta Pi Lambda Chapter in Albany. He worked many years for the New York State Barge Canal, and later went on to being a very successful tax consultant. The organization has become so honeycombed with politics that one group may do anything to defeat the purpose of the other… It has never been in the past nor will it be in the future my desire to ask for any favors from the Fraternity because I am a Founder. He resided in Troy, New York and was active with Beta Pi Lambda Chapter in Albany. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! At the Twenty-ninth General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky in 1941, Jewel Kelley would have the fight of his life, when there was a move by several brothers to add an instrument associated with African natives to the fraternity’s shield. Jewel Kelley would often remind the brotherhood of a story about the support of his brothers in time of need. The Kelley family lived at 1 113th Street in Lansingburgh starting around 1909. In the small town of Troy, New York, Two days before the date, he wired a letter to one of the Jewels still enrolled at Cornell and the next day his money was sent. Kelley was described as sometimes conservative, unyielding and adamant. Kelley was popular with the Brotherhood. Brother Kelley was elected as the first President of Alpha Chapter. He is credited for the name of the Fraternity. “Jewel Kelley was instrumental in the development of the Alumni Committee for the Fraternity in 1912. I hope that you believe that I am sincere.” Wesley offered an apology for any “discourtesy” which may have been shown to him. Became the first African American engineer registered in the state of New York. Kelley spoke at Cornell at the anniversary luncheon and said: “I said to a man who stood at the gate of the year, ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown,’ and he replied, ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. Past Assistant Eastern Region Vice Presidents, A. Charles Haston Brothers Keeper Program, Our Eastern Region Assistant Vice President, Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Special Edition Voteless People is a Hopeless People AlphaEast Tshirts, STATEMENT ON RACIAL ATTACKS ON SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, The War is on! Born in 1884 to a fugitive slave from Virginia, Kelley would excel in studies in his youth before he matriculated to Cornell University to study civil engineering. Kelley studied at the Troy Military Academy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and finally the College of Civil Engineering at Cornell (1905–1908). In an editorial in the 1948 edition of The Sphinx, Jewel Kelley remarked again about undergraduate relationships: “The undergraduate should be allowed a still greater participation in the management of the fraternity as it relates to them….All programs as to fraternity activities in local communities should be, as far as possible, through the direction of undergraduate brothers.”. We have nurtured our little plant from its beginning with brotherly love and the water of human kindness. Death. Principal Officer Matthew Fowles. in 1980. He served as the first president of Alpha Chapter and chairman of the first Ritual Committee. Both Jewels Kelley and Ogle were invited to the Special Convention in Chicago in 1934. Po Box 14692 % Chris Ellis . In addition, he served on committees that worked out the handshake and ritual. Notice on Police abuse and shootings in America, College Life To Corporate Life Initiative 2.0. “I saw in my vision my ancestors who had been in slavery, my father who had escaped from that despicable system and had gone back south as a soldier in the Union Army to help in subduing of those who held him in bondage. Then-Colonel Biddle is in civilian clothes at right. Ida Cemetery, also in Troy. The matinee was located in Utica. George Biddle Kelley lived there until his death in 1862. Ogle is not with us. We have not come to our present growth through the efforts only of the Founders and our changing General Officers. In addition, he served on committees that worked out the handshake and ritual. In the address he stated: “I think we often lose many good men who might be excellent members of the fraternity because of cliques and some of the methods used in many of the chapters. In addition, he served on committees that worked out the handshake and ritual. Until his death in 1962, Jewel Kelley hardly ever missed a convention. George Biddle Kelley was the first African-American Engineer registered in the State of New York. After reading your letter, I am convinced that you would be able to pick out what facts you wanted. George Biddle Kelley, 1881-1963. His disposition and emotional response to many situations revealed … 2014. At the banquet, Jewel Kelley was Toastmaster and spoke on the subject “Why Organize?” At the second banquet, he spoke on “Reminiscences.”. It is the duty of our Jewels and all former officers to prevent these things from finding a place in our fraternity.”. A childhood friend of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, he played a major role in establishing the Federal Art Project (1935–43), which employed artists under the Works Progress Administration. GEORGE BIDDLE KELLEY. Among other endeavors, he was employed by the New York Engineering Department, where he worked on the Barge Canal, a collection of state waterways, during the 1920s. Education. It was apparent that Jewel Kelley was passionate about the organization that he helped to establish. He was, at the time of his death, the last surviving member of the Boston Regiment of the Grand Army of the Republic. The Eulogy was delivered by Brother Rev. Joseph Dunford, né le 8 décembre 1955 à Boston (Massachusetts), est un général à la retraite du Corps des Marines des États-Unis.Il est le 19 e chef d'État-Major des armées des États-Unis, en fonction du 1 er octobre 2015 au 30 septembre 2019 [2].. … Kelley credited his father’s spirit and influence for given him vision in establishing the fraternity. We never founded Alpha Phi Alpha to be a light skinned fraternity or one in which fellows could trace their ancestry back for years and years. 123 likes. Il est issu d'une famille de propriétaires ruraux catholiques et plusieurs membres de sa famille ont appartenu au clergé. As the group began to take shape into the fraternity, Jewel Kelley lent his time to the Committee on Initiation along with Jewels Charles Henry Chapman, Vertner Woodson Tandy and Henry Arthur Callis. General President Wesley, though not contacted by Jewel Kelley, found out about his concern. A few years later, a second founder entered Omega Chapter, Jewel Robert Harold Ogle. While the leaders of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and the Eastern Region aim to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we urge you to protect yourself and your love ones by practicing social distancing. He studied at the Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute before entering the college of Civil Engineering at Cornell University in 1905, where he graduated in 1908. Troy, Rensselaer County, New York, USA. He became the first African-American engineer registered in the state of New York. #StayHome. He was a convention fixture and was very sensitive to each Jewel being afforded the opportunity to be the “guest founder.” In a letter to Brother Burt Mayberry, Jewel Kelley expressed his dismay. He reminded them to be “intensed” in their efforts. Home | George Biddle Kelley. I firmly believe that it strengthened me in the desire to press my point for a fraternity.” (1954). Part of the handiwork is man to whom God bequests his earth and the fullness thereof. His grave was removed from the Oakwood and transferred to the graveside of his parents at the New Mt. EVENTS. After an introduction by Past General President Henry Lake Dickason, Kelley prefaced his remarks with comments on the preamble of the organization. Ruling year info. He places man here for brief while to enjoy the fruits of his beneficence and while enjoying them to gain for himself immortality in the only way possible-by joining with others in helping make the dream of the good life a reality for everyone by helping establish the Kingdom of God solidly in the hearts of men. The funeral service was conducted at Liberty Presbyterian Church on Thursday, May 10. HOME. Alpha ESQ (Go to High School / College, Project Alpha) The Alpha ESQ mentorship program is designed to provide education, motivation and skill-building on issues of personal responsibility, relationships, STEM, entrepreneurship and financial literacy for young males ages 12-18 … In 1989, General Kelley joined the Washington, D.C. public policy firm Cassidy & Associates; he is the Vice Chairman Emeritus. As a Founder who cherishes his part in the formation of the Fraternity, I thank all the Brothers and their families who come in such large numbers to our 5Oth Birthday.”. We have grown because the various Brothers from the dates of their initiation have nurtured the plant…I cannot close without giving thanks and credit to the colored of Ithaca who so kindly aided us in our years at Cornell and encouraged us in the formation of our Fraternity. He said to them “thank you for all you have done for me” then turned over and died. At the first banquet, Kelley was the Toastmaster and spoke on the subject "Why Organize?". As the director in the Central YMCA and member of the Boys Work committee of the “Y”, Jewel Kelley served as Vice Chairman of the Troy Council of the New York State Anti-Discrimination Commission. More. He studied at the Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute before entering the College of Civil Engineering at Cornell University in 1905, where he graduated in 1908. He passed on May 5, 1962. Kelley was popular with the Brotherhood. During the days of C.C. was born in Troy, New York. They also planned the first initiation banquet on Tuesday, October 30, 1906 at the Odd Fellows Hall. The depression has caused the fraternity to lose many men because they do not have the money to keep their obligations.”. He died in 1963. “Before I close, I wish to urge upon all the Brothers the necessity for a broader bond of brotherhood in the communities where you reside. Jewel Kelley responded to General President Charles Wesley in a letter on January 22, 1941, and said: “Your statement that my letter to Bro. PROGRAMS. A fashion designer, she also studied at New York University and the Oswego Normal College. He seemed to encourage me in my determination to help unite our group in a unit. AlphaEast: First of All, Leading the Way! Albany, NY 12212 USA . George Biddle Kelley. George Biddle Kelley became the first African American engineer registered in the state of New York. When this band of men began to meet and acquaint themselves with each other, they found their camaraderie delightful. George Biddle Kelley. From 1989 to 1994, he served as Chairman of the American Battle Monuments Commission. Not only was he the strongest proponent of the Fraternity idea among the organization's founders, the civil engineering student also became Alpha Chapter's first President. His disposition and emotional response to many situations revealed the uncompromising nature of his personality. EIN. Decker, was one of the most cultured and capable preachers and pastors of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in the 19th century. George Biddle Kelley became the first African American engineer registered in the state of New York. Telegrams were received from throughout the nation including Governor Nelson A. Rockerfeller, U.S. "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY is the only school that has a Jewel buried near it's campus. Birthplace: Troy, NY Cornell Attendance and Degree: Attended Cornell from 1905-1908 and earned a Civil Engineer degree in 1908 Occupation: Civil engineer, first African American engineer registered with the State of New York Role in … He studied at the Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute before entering the college of Civil Engineering at Cornell University in 1905, where he graduated in 1908. Jewel Kelley was interred at the Oakwood Cemetery in Troy, New York. On October 23, 1906, George Kelley proposed that the organization be officially known by the Greek letters Alpha Phi Alpha, and Robert Ogle proposed the colors black and old gold. Summary Programs + Results Financials Operations. A marker was rededicated by the local graduate chapter, Beta Pi Lambda and the Omicron Upsilon Chapter at Renasselaer Polytechnic Institute. In 1915, he urged the alumni in an open letter to be “loyal to the fraternity.” Kelley said “The success of the fraternity is as much to us as to the undergraduate members. It is my belief that many members of Alpha Phi Alpha wish to honor those who organized their Fraternity.”. George Biddle Kelley (born on August 24, 1884 in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States) was one of the seven founders (commonly referred to as Jewels) of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity at Cornell University in 1906, and Alpha chapter’s first President.. Kelly served on committees that worked out the fraternity handshake and with Robert Ogle on the ritual. U.S. Marines leaving New York City in 1909 for deployment in Nicaragua. Jewel Kelley stated “that was the feeling that prevailed among the “Jewels.”. E. George Biddle of Boston, Massachusetts lived for more than 100 years, and studied at Rayford where he graduated from the Divinity School. DuBois and Paul Laurence Dunbar, and shared his recitations with the brothers. Jewel Kelley wrote on December 12,1936: “I can hardly realize that Bro. Mayberry was used for political purposes does not surprise me as much as a similar statement would have done if made several years ago. Jewel George Biddle Kelley was born in 1884 to Richard and Mathilda Kelley. Main address. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Jewel Kelley passionately asked the brotherhood to forego their fun and frivolity: “If all the chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha would forego the giving of a formal for just one year and donate the unusual assessment in an Alpha fund we could build or buy a National Headquarters as large or larger than any for which the organization is hoping.”. His disposition and emotional response to many situations revealed the uncompromising nature of his personality. Let every brother be truly a BROTHER, PROMOTE HIS INTEREST AS IF IT WERE YOURS and show to the world that ALPHA PHI ALPHA stands for more than mere words.” —Jewel George Biddle Kelley, December 1935. In those same remarks, he also stressed that the work should be equally divided between regional officers in both undergraduate and graduate brothers. In a letter to Brother Dr. Charles Harris Wesley on September 25, 1927, he replied: “At first I was inclined not to get in this history making of the fraternity. As a young man he attended the Troy Military Academy, a military preparatory school. George Biddle Kelley is part of the Fraternities and Sororities WikiProject, an effort to build a comprehensive and detailed guide to Greek Life on the Wikipedia. George Biddle Kelley (1884–1962), American founder of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Cornell University. GBKEF is named in honor of Troy, NY native and resident George Biddle Kelley. “Alpha needs Quality not Quantity” — George Biddle Kelley, 1924 (18th General Convention). This includes but is not limited to International social societies, local organizations, honor societies, and their members. At the third Annual Convention in Philadelphia in December 1910, Jewel Kelley was one of several alumni members present including Jewel Henry Arthur Callis, Moses A. Morrison and George Lyle. Kelly’s father was a veteran of a Civil War regiment from Massachusetts. Biography [edit | edit source]. Not only was he the strongest proponent of the Fraternity idea among the organization s founders, the civil engineering student also became Alpha Chapter s first President. In addition, he served on committees that worked out the handshake and ritual. In a speech to the Eastern Regional convention in Washington in 1932, Jewel Kelley gave the Founder’s address. I am enclosing this abstract for your benefit.”. W.H. Yes, it is more to us, as we are in a large measure responsible for the advancement it has made now.”. Jewel Kelley had been the guest founder at the 1931 Silver Anniversary Convention where all of the founders were invited. DONATE. We are so surrounded by brothers of deep legal learning, and oratorical ability that the timid undergraduate sits back with the idea of the early American Revolutionist that he is a victim of taxation without representation. She was a graduate of the Dickinson High School and the Traphagen School of Fashion in New York. Jewel Kelley was very reluctant about serving on the Historical Committee. Such is the record of George B. Kelley.”. On July 26, 2007, the Washington Post published an op-ed by Kelley and Robert F. Turner, in which they warned tha… â¦We are honored.â. Kelley was described as sometimes conservative, unyielding and adamant. He later became the first African American engineer registered in the state of New York. Template:Alpha Phi Alpha Founders George Biddle Kelley (born in August 24,1884 in Harlem, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States) was one of the seven founders (commonly referred to as Jewels) of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity at Cornell University in 1906, and Alpha chapter’s first President. He studied at the Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute before entering the college of Civil Engineering at Cornell University in 1905, where he graduated in 1908. Two years later in 1936, Jewel Kelley was once again invited to give the Founder’s Address at the Silver Convention in December of 1935 in Nashville, Tennessee. Many years for the Fraternity to lose many men because they do not have the to... Of men began to meet and acquaint themselves with each other at social gatherings, they were large in.!, family and country, let nothing shake your love for the advancement it has made now. ” with. 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