BT /F2 16 Tf 230.12 686 Td (Reading Pie Graphs) Tj ET 560.630778703665 242.26182617407 l 480 760 m 575 760 l S 383.397459621556 150 l 407.067960895017 442.285403854303 l 480 760 m 575 760 l S 383.397459621556 570 l 396.864629838083 451.80016399375 l 408.433852467434 121.198924639328 l Make A Pie Graph- Favorite Game, M & M's Color; Make A Pie Graph- Goals, Cars at school; Make A Pie Graph- Favorite Web Site, Room Of The House; Reading Pie (Circle) Graphs 1 - John's monthly budget. 442.4362644183 616.126169593832 l 379.369221296335 157.73817382593 l 394.529041977723 454.394097100949 l /Kids [1 0 R] Be sure to check out more Graphing Activities. <>stream 478.715574274766 420.380530190825 l 562.050485345244 480.926887151073 l Line Graphs and Pie Charts Mean, Median, Mode & Range Other & Mixed Resources . << 507.460659341591 292.718385456679 l 396.864629838083 131.80016399375 l Display the data collected in a Column Graph. 370.06091729809 196.510050329749 l Search. 380.899347581163 565.399049973954 l 0 0 1 rg endobj 370.380530190825 191.284425725234 l stream 0 0 0 rg 5. 400.534162954101 128.066019966135 l 518.480962024634 432.538029286061 l 378.64545423574 240.67366430758 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 135 Td (Which team was the least popular) Tj ET BT /F1 12 Tf 256.74 190 Td (___________) Tj ET 377.949514654756 480.926887151072 l 370.745384835868 532.186934340514 l 409.818497684795 279.863551004729 l 509.073112848927 292.050485345244 l 556.602540378444 470 l >V5� 扎A���܋�&�T��1��&q�O��� ���F�0�R��5#vݳ�W\�Jߗ� ��/�%���\yqyQ��(�=Ǘ�T��H�=k��)'ʥ%��+m����=�K��졇�:�iFQOv�������`i^���NhV�����DY��q�����罸x�`�!ycO�G�n���#��J�͕������8`r ���:�&�]���9[[�A�'�M *���k��X2� ��~k쟁��Q��[��c����c_��'G$�Ҕ��c-l��'���?�<8����3#�bu�ӗ3n���OW�?h-n�u� � ��}�=�6����.ͼ�'^��:�}(�|�s��Kx3�/��sj�jw��g�x��N����������m�Ki'� ���HA����93��kH%���g�. 420 113.397459621556 l 376.030737921409 485.797985667433 l If only one-fifth of a class of 30 students voted Sean Connery as the best James Bond, then how many students voted for Connery? 553.867056794543 145.536096498497 l 375.448142440068 552.556815445715 l 3 0 obj 0 0 0 RG q 405.721239031346 276.604444311897 l 567.814760073381 220.791169081776 l 539.4658370459 128.066019966135 l 401.80016399375 273.135370161917 l 559.879404629917 156.162885321092 l 408.433852467434 278.801075360672 l 370.380530190825 191.284425725234 l 559.879404629917 476.162885321092 l BT /F1 12 Tf 19.356 80 Td (5\)) Tj ET 485.643446504023 421.231165940486 l 513.837114678908 289.879404629917 l unit, students will create, apply, and analyze pie charts, bar graphs, and line graphs. BT /F1 12 Tf 48 495 Td (among customers?) 454.356553495976 298.768834059514 l 370.015230484361 521.745240643728 l 370.015230484361 521.745240643728 l 562.050485345244 160.926887151073 l 427.738173825929 610.630778703665 l 370.243594974018 206.975647374412 l 395.68551745226 586.913060635885 l 424.600950026045 609.100652418836 l 373.407417371093 174.118095489748 l 389.098300562505 461.221474770752 l 430.926887151072 612.050485345244 l 559.879404629917 243.837114678908 l 371.837281655233 539.080899537654 l It has an answer key attached on the second page. 403.086939364114 125.68551745226 l 374.369524403697 170.762829527726 l 565.105651629515 489.098300562505 l BT /F1 10 Tf 437.59170789846 440.199178720996 Td (22%) Tj ET 449.208830918223 617.81476007338 l 476.975647374413 420.243594974018 l 374.369524403697 490.762829527726 l 532.932039104984 277.714596145697 l 531.566147532566 121.198924639328 l 470 300 l 470 200 m 437.443184554284 614.551857559931 l 476.975647374413 100.243594974018 l 371.519224698779 537.364817766693 l 450.919100462345 298.162718344766 l 445.807810440034 422.9704273724 l 539.4658370459 448.066019966135 l 371.519224698779 537.364817766693 l Exercises to draw line graphs and double line graphs with a suitable scale; labeling the axes; giving a title for the graph and more are included in these printable worksheets … 469.999999999999 620 l 398.066019966134 269.465837045899 l 563.35804264972 164.16320504547 l 558.294759285893 153.052843721411 l 552.903757255504 464.080709652926 l 516.947156278589 111.705240714107 l BT /F1 12 Tf 256.74 80 Td (___________) Tj ET endobj 568.162718344766 219.080899537655 l 435.797985667433 426.030737921409 l 0 0 1 rg 464.766404375706 420.137046524543 l 545.470958022277 134.394097100949 l 399.289321881345 590.710678118654 l 492.495105434386 617.437006478523 l 559.100652418837 245.399049973955 l 426.162885321092 289.879404629916 l 569.452189536827 530.452846326766 l 505.83679495453 106.64195735028 l 439.098300562505 615.105651629515 l 469.999999999999 300 l endstream 569.619469809175 191.284425725234 l 372.9704273724 224.192189559966 l 559.100652418837 474.600950026045 l Pie Graph - Color, Tally and GraphThis is a first pie graph worksheet set - most suited to lower grades (kindergarten, grade one, grade two)There are 9 worksheets in this set.Each worksheet follows the same pattern, you color the animals according to the key, you count and tally them up. 507.460659341591 107.281614543321 l 470 420 l /Length 10875 Line Graph Worksheets. BT /F1 12 Tf 48 400 Td (What percentage of customers bought) Tj ET endstream 374.894348370485 489.098300562505 l 381.705240714108 473.052843721411 l 373.873830406168 172.4362644183 l BT /F1 18 Tf 24 760 Td (Name :) Tj ET 0 0 1 rg 439.098300562505 615.105651629515 l 568.162718344766 180.919100462346 l endstream 370.137046524543 194.766404375705 l 394.529041977722 265.60590289905 l 540.710678118655 590.710678118655 l 392.285403854303 137.067960895016 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 230 Td (popular?) BT /F1 12 Tf 19.356 620 Td (1\)) Tj ET 445.807810440034 102.9704273724 l 550.901699437495 461.221474770753 l 379.369221296335 477.73817382593 l 435.797985667433 293.969262078591 l 387.096242744496 575.919290347074 l 459.547153673235 420.547810463173 l 548.801075360672 261.566147532566 l 372.18523992662 179.208830918224 l 561.35454576426 479.32633569242 l 417.008073576679 604.804809615642 l Some of the worksheets below are Line Graphs and Bar Graphs Worksheets, Types of graphs: different ways to represent data, definition of histograms, frequency table, line plot, stem and leaf plot with several exercises and solutions. 464.766404375706 100.137046524543 l 411.221474770752 600.901699437494 l 437.443184554285 425.448142440068 l 389.098300562505 461.221474770752 l 14 0 obj 385.195190384358 147.008073576679 l 548.801075360672 581.566147532566 l 557.46197071394 471.519037975366 l 569.254615164132 507.813065659485 l 414.080709652926 117.096242744496 l 439.098300562506 104.894348370485 l 564.551857559932 232.556815445716 l 470 200 m 559.100652418837 565.399049973955 l 1 0 0 1 465 4 cm 557.46197071394 568.480962024634 l 459.547153673235 100.547810463173 l 372.18523992662 499.208830918224 l Imagine you're in charge of counting the votes and declaring a winner. 524.463903501503 283.867056794542 l 372.185239926619 220.791169081775 l endobj 567.0295726276 544.192189559967 l 449.208830918224 102.185239926619 l Jul 9, 2020 - Reading Charts and Graphs Worksheets. Tj ET 395.685517452261 133.086939364114 l 0 0 0 rg Reading bar graphs Skill: Using tables. BT /F1 10 Tf 253.675 300 Td (Raiders & Bears) Tj ET 512.577929156507 429.517294753398 l 385.195190384358 467.008073576679 l 1 w 374.369524403696 229.237170472273 l Corbett Maths offers outstanding, original exam style questions on any topic, as well as videos, past papers and 5-a-day. 513.837114678908 110.120595370083 l 0 0 0 rg BT /F2 12 Tf 404.45 310 Td (Favorite Football Team) Tj ET 415.536096498497 283.867056794542 l /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold 421.519037975367 432.53802928606 l 0 0 1 rg 530.181502315205 599.863551004729 l 427.738173825929 610.630778703665 l 381.705240714107 566.947156278589 l 567.814760073381 179.208830918224 l BT /F1 12 Tf 19.356 135 Td (4\)) Tj ET 558.294759285893 246.947156278589 l 372.9704273724 175.807810440033 l BT /F1 10 Tf 423.220665018231 250.370456693186 Td (15%) Tj ET 545.470958022277 265.605902899051 l 565.630475596304 490.762829527727 l 400.534162954101 448.066019966135 l 466.510050329749 619.93908270191 l 541.933980033865 589.4658370459 l 411.221474770752 280.901699437494 l 0 0 0 rg These worksheets cover most data and graphs subtopics and are were also conceived in line with Common Core State Standards. 531.566147532566 598.801075360672 l Tj ET 391.198924639328 581.566147532565 l 500.901699437495 104.894348370485 l 520 286.602540378444 l 565.630475596304 229.237170472274 l 447.504894565614 102.562993521476 l 370.243594974018 526.975647374412 l 562.050485345244 239.073112848928 l 0.5 w 386.132943205457 574.463903501502 l 390.13644899527 580.181502315204 l 434.163205045469 613.35804264972 l 558.294759285893 566.947156278589 l 565.630475596304 549.237170472274 l 569.452189536827 189.547153673235 l 497.5637355817 423.873830406168 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 495 Td (among customers?) 447.504894565613 297.437006478523 l BT /F1 10 Tf 386.239892448992 494.883307978999 Td (14%) Tj ET These math pie graph exercises come with grade 6 ratio and percent calculations. Some of the worksheets displayed are Pie charts, Pie graph, Graphing exercise create a pie graph by selecting a, Introducing pie charts maths work from urbrainy, Year 6 summer term week 6 to 7, Mathematics linear 1ma0 pie charts, Lifestyle balance pie, Name gcse 1 9 pie charts. 392.285403854303 457.067960895016 l endobj Graph and data worksheet for 4th grade children. 390.13644899527 260.181502315204 l 466.510050329749 299.93908270191 l 421.519037975366 287.461970713939 l 370.243594974018 526.975647374412 l 394.529041977723 134.394097100949 l 469.999999999999 300 l and document it with a pie chart. 380.899347581163 154.600950026045 l 569.862953475457 514.766404375706 l 478.715574274766 619.619469809175 l 0 0 0 RG 492.495105434386 297.437006478524 l 566.126169593832 492.4362644183 l 405.721239031346 123.395555688102 l 0 0 1 rg 555.716730070211 571.503807491006 l /Height 120 567.0295726276 175.807810440033 l 569.452189536827 210.452846326765 l 15 0 obj 445.807810440033 617.029572627599 l 565.630475596304 170.762829527726 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 190 Td (What percentage of people chose) Tj ET 564.551857559932 167.443184554284 l 524.463903501503 436.132943205458 l 0 0 1 rg 370.015230484361 198.254759356271 l If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. 540.710678118655 270.710678118655 l 469.999999999999 620 l This worksheet is a supplementary fourth grade resource to help teachers, parents and children at home and in school. 417.00807357668 115.195190384357 l Election Graph. 559.100652418837 474.600950026045 l 04. 470 620 l Step 3: Distribute the Scholastic News: Read a Pie Chart Worksheet printable. 393.395555688102 584.278760968654 l 372.9704273724 495.807810440033 l 370.745384835868 212.186934340514 l BT /F1 12 Tf 19.356 80 Td (5\)) Tj ET endobj 375.448142440068 487.443184554284 l 0 0 1 rg Graph Worksheets Math-Aids.Com Reading Pie Graphs A local grocery tracked which food stuffs customers purchased. 570 200 l 392.285403854303 262.932039104983 l 1 0 obj 464.766404375705 299.862953475457 l Subjects: Math, Graphing, Statistics. 439.098300562505 295.105651629515 l 394.529041977723 134.394097100949 l /Count 2 569.452189536827 189.547153673235 l BT /F1 10 Tf 386.239892448992 201.116692021 Td (14%) Tj ET 389.098300562505 461.221474770752 l 528.778525229247 280.901699437495 l Tj ET A) True B) False 9 . 512.26182617407 429.369221296335 l 527.357643635105 601.915204428899 l 532.932039104984 277.714596145697 l 419.999999999999 606.602540378444 l Reading a Pie Graph . 461.284425725234 619.619469809174 l 447.504894565614 102.562993521476 l 492.495105434387 422.562993521477 l 411.221474770752 280.901699437494 l 0 0 1 rg 30820 BT /F2 12 Tf 20 330 Td (Answer the questions based on the pie graph below.) 0 0 0 rg BT /F1 12 Tf 48 605 Td (bacon?) 509.073112848928 107.949514654756 l 434.163205045469 613.35804264972 l 569.756405025982 526.975647374413 l 522.99192642332 284.804809615643 l 461.284425725235 100.380530190825 l �-��1!o��7!�� '� 399.289321881345 270.710678118654 l [�XGOùB��(%�,9d�G���T��(�mD�,�P7Q�O���S���k��?��EU@��5b��yYb�z� )w��;DW�R�cLH�a>Έ�% ����8s��;�����XJ%�+"����3�Yl�~���,쓴"E����c�^�4'4���#`Ex�K9��O�l� =�6}DKRVխ�s, 372.562993521477 177.504894565613 l 2. 497.5637355817 103.873830406168 l 2 0 obj 495.881904510252 103.407417371093 l Step 4: Ask students to answer the seven questions listed below the chart. 375.448142440068 167.443184554284 l 569.984769515639 518.254759356272 l BT /F1 12 Tf 19.356 620 Td (1\)) Tj ET 502.556815445716 614.551857559932 l 401.80016399375 273.135370161917 l 414.080709652926 117.096242744496 l 3 Would it be true to say that in 1996/97 nearly three-quarters of the mobile phone /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding Data Worksheets High quality printable resources to help students display data as well as read and interpret data from: Bar graphs Pie charts Pictographs Column graphs Displaying Data in Column Graph Read the data presented in tallies. 556.602540378444 250 l 432.539340658409 107.281614543321 l 423.05284372141 608.294759285892 l 483.917310096007 619.026806874157 l 480.452846326766 100.547810463173 l 468.254759356272 100.015230484361 l BT /F2 12 Tf 20 650 Td (Answer the questions based on the pie graph below.) 0 0 0 RG 492.495105434387 102.562993521477 l Tj ET 377.949514654756 160.926887151072 l << 376.64195735028 484.16320504547 l 130 730 m 360 730 l S 0 0 1 rg Paragraph 2 Then, your students can create a pie graph using data you give them or that they collect on their own. 525.919290347075 437.096242744496 l 370.973193125843 186.082689903993 l 414.080709652926 437.096242744496 l 470 520 m 409.818497684795 440.13644899527 l 566.126169593832 172.4362644183 l 442.4362644183 296.126169593832 l 504.202014332567 293.969262078591 l 522.991926423321 435.195190384358 l 407.067960895016 597.714596145697 l 376.64195735028 555.83679495453 l 473.48994967025 100.06091729809 l 370.745384835868 212.186934340514 l 380.899347581163 474.600950026045 l 464.766404375705 619.862953475457 l >> 370.973193125843 533.917310096006 l 1. 556.602540378444 250 l 569.452189536827 210.452846326765 l 370.547810463173 189.547153673234 l Reading Line Graphs 5- The Zoo; Pie Charts. 403.086939364114 594.314482547739 l BT /F1 10 Tf 437.59170789846 452.199178720996 Td (bacon) Tj ET 568.162718344766 500.919100462346 l 371.837281655233 219.080899537654 l 377.281614543321 482.539340658408 l 427.73817382593 109.369221296335 l 510.67366430758 291.35454576426 l This worksheet focuses on reading a table/chart and understanding the way data is presented. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Grade 4 fractions work, Grade 4 fractions work, Summer camp activites, Pie charts, Data handling grade 4 7, Pie graph, Mathematics linear 1ma0 pie charts, Rock restaurant surveyed a sample of customers on their. 370.973193125843 506.082689903993 l 0.5 w Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Line Graphs For 7th Grade. 535.605902899051 124.529041977723 l 372.562993521477 177.504894565613 l 0 0 1 rg Some of the worksheets displayed are Pie charts, Pie graph, Graphing exercise create a pie graph by selecting a, Introducing pie charts maths work from urbrainy, Year 6 summer term week 6 to 7, Mathematics linear 1ma0 pie charts, Lifestyle balance pie, Name gcse 1 9 pie charts. Tj ET /Type /XObject 388.084795571101 577.357643635104 l 569.984769515639 518.254759356272 l 475.233595624294 299.862953475457 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 285 Td (half of the picks?) 566.126169593832 227.5637355817 l 538.19983600625 273.135370161917 l 371.837281655234 180.919100462345 l 489.080899537654 298.162718344766 l 418.496192508994 605.716730070211 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 190 Td (What percentage of people chose) Tj ET 386.132943205458 465.536096498497 l 373.873830406168 492.4362644183 l 504.202014332567 426.030737921409 l 567.0295726276 544.192189559967 l 376.030737921409 165.797985667433 l (4) 2. 379.369221296335 562.261826174069 l 490.791169081776 617.814760073381 l A tutorial to help students read and interpret circle graphs. 547.714596145697 262.932039104984 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 300 Td (Which two teams account for) Tj ET BT /F2 12 Tf 30 345 Td (A sports radio station asked local listeners for their favorite football team.) 557.46197071394 568.480962024634 l 384.283269929789 571.503807491005 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 135 Td (Which team was the least popular) Tj ET 569.93908270191 203.48994967025 l 387.096242744496 464.080709652925 l 562.718385456679 162.539340658409 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 80 Td (What percentage of listeners picked) Tj ET 377.949514654756 239.073112848927 l 553.867056794543 465.536096498497 l 564.551857559932 552.556815445716 l 569.984769515639 521.745240643728 l Solutions are provided for each worksheet. BT /F1 10 Tf 273.92 135 Td (Vikings) Tj ET 439.098300562506 104.894348370485 l 419.999999999999 606.602540378444 l 490.791169081776 297.814760073381 l 567.814760073381 220.791169081776 l 549.863551004729 580.181502315205 l 521.503807491005 605.716730070211 l BT /F1 10 Tf 397.104359800781 160.654163550351 Td (Titans) Tj ET 1 w 373.873830406168 547.563735581699 l 468.254759356272 420.015230484361 l Title: Pets Reading Pie (Circle) Graphs Author: Subject: Pie and Circle Graphs Keywords: Forms of Graphing Data 423.052843721411 111.705240714107 l BT /F1 10 Tf 510.310850866298 465.096506244292 Td (15%) Tj ET 426.162885321092 609.879404629917 l 432.539340658408 292.718385456679 l 421.519037975367 432.53802928606 l 400.534162954101 448.066019966135 l Reading Line Graphs 5- The Zoo; Pie Charts. hތR�ʜ0��S�MA��_�Rh��B�i�>JɮmW�{��e����Ҫ�a�9sΙ>}cp��{C�p``��q��u��}R`��� �I�R���!b�H���Em����Dg*����L8GŔ�`���c����eOŰ��噊S�y6� ��+B�:X�!�8l�v�Tk���(Ad(�gRO��ѫ����~�P�I�**℣�� Step 3: Distribute the Scholastic News: Read a Pie Chart Worksheet printable. 547.714596145697 262.932039104984 l The pie graphs are designed based on different interesting themes. 470 200 m 382.53802928606 568.480962024633 l 401.80016399375 593.135370161917 l 383.397459621556 570 l 470 200 m 444.118095489748 423.407417371093 l 527.357643635105 601.915204428899 l 532.932039104984 442.285403854303 l 380.120595370083 156.162885321092 l BT /F1 10 Tf 423.220665018231 262.370456693186 Td (Cowboys) Tj ET 471.745240643728 299.984769515639 l Introduce this worksheet by reviewing how to create a pie graph. 569.619469809175 511.284425725234 l Single Pie Chart Paragraph 1 Describe what sort of chart it is and what it is about. 478.715574274766 100.380530190825 l Acrobat Distiller 9.5.0 (Windows); modified using iTextSharp 4.1.6 by 1T3XTForms of Graphing Data 381.705240714108 473.052843721411 l 372.9704273724 544.192189559966 l 505.83679495453 293.35804264972 l The Corbettmaths Practice Questions on Reading Pie Charts. 551.915204428899 462.642356364896 l Worksheets on data, graphs and sets - PDF . 392.285403854303 262.932039104983 l 470 200 m Worksheets and teaching resources on pie charts, bar charts and line graphs. BT /F1 12 Tf 256.74 400 Td (___________) Tj ET 569.254615164132 212.186934340515 l 435.797985667433 613.969262078591 l << 563.35804264972 164.16320504547 l 487.364817766693 298.480775301221 l 370.547810463173 210.452846326765 l 565.105651629515 489.098300562505 l 424.600950026046 430.899347581163 l /Image1 Do In order to compare informations, pie chart uses percentages. 521.503807491005 285.716730070211 l Tj ET 569.984769515639 198.254759356272 l 564.551857559932 232.556815445716 l 382.538029286061 151.519037975366 l 499.237170472274 424.369524403697 l Draw an accurate pie chart to show this information. Charts, graphs and diagrams Business English English Introduction to Pie Charts You are usually asked to compare 2 pie charts but sometimes you only have 1 chart to describe. When sectors are close to the same size, it is difficult to see the differences. BT /F1 10 Tf 395.897045214859 557.507875648529 Td (hotdogs) Tj ET Reading a Pie Graph . Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Pie Chart. 374.369524403696 229.237170472273 l 482.186934340515 420.745384835868 l n 569.802672842827 193.720948047069 l 540.710678118655 449.289321881345 l 490.791169081776 422.185239926619 l BT /F1 12 Tf 256.74 620 Td (___________) Tj ET Main content. 563.969262078591 165.797985667433 l 401.80016399375 446.864629838083 l In other words, the entire circle represents $100 \%$ of a whole, while the sectors represent portions of the whole. 466.51005032975 100.06091729809 l BT /F2 16 Tf 231.12 685 Td (Reading Pie Graphs) Tj ET Try our free pie graph worksheets with just a … 547.714596145697 457.067960895016 l 418.496192508994 285.716730070211 l 568.162718344766 500.919100462346 l 550.901699437495 578.778525229247 l 480 730 m 575 730 l S 3. endobj 1 w BT /F1 12 Tf 48 550 Td (half of the purchases?) The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007. 370.243594974018 513.024352625587 l 562.050485345244 480.926887151073 l 559.879404629917 243.837114678908 l 505.83679495453 426.64195735028 l 550.901699437495 141.221474770753 l 550.901699437495 258.778525229247 l 547.714596145697 137.067960895016 l 407.067960895017 122.285403854303 l 510.67366430758 108.64545423574 l 567.0295726276 495.807810440033 l 567.0295726276 175.807810440033 l 482.186934340515 619.254615164132 l 379.369221296335 562.261826174069 l 374.894348370484 230.901699437494 l 543.135370161917 268.19983600625 l n BT /F1 12 Tf 48 285 Td (half of the picks?) 434.16320504547 426.64195735028 l 396.864629838083 131.80016399375 l On which day did the library receive the most visitors? >> 485.643446504023 618.768834059514 l It really is one of the very best websites around. Answer the questions based on the pie graph below. 405.721239031346 276.604444311897 l 516.947156278589 431.705240714107 l This page has several pie graph worksheets. The whole circle or pie graph stands for the entire sample. endobj 562.050485345244 559.073112848928 l 372.185239926619 220.791169081775 l 372.9704273724 175.807810440033 l 524.463903501503 436.132943205458 l 463.024352625587 299.756405025982 l 1 w 370.547810463173 530.452846326765 l ���� JFIF ,, �� C �� C�� x x" �� 494.192189559967 422.9704273724 l 521.503807491005 285.716730070211 l 409.818497684795 120.13644899527 l 396.864629838083 588.199836006249 l 551.915204428899 577.357643635105 l BT /F1 10 Tf 431.288345582829 585.861653826796 Td (steak) Tj ET 483.917310096007 420.973193125843 l The "Basic Pie Graphs" require students to have a basic understanding of fractions. 394.529041977722 585.60590289905 l 444.118095489748 103.407417371093 l 450.919100462345 618.162718344766 l Data and graphs Worksheets – PDF printable data and graphs math worksheets for children in: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1 st grade, 2 nd grade, 3 rd grade, 4 th grade, 5 th grade, 6 th grade and 7 th grade. 445.807810440033 297.029572627599 l 450.919100462346 101.837281655234 l 518.480962024634 287.46197071394 l 461.284425725235 420.380530190825 l 527.357643635105 438.084795571101 l /Subtype /Image 0 0 1 rg 520 286.602540378444 l BT /F1 12 Tf 48 440 Td (popular?) Print the PDF: Book Sales Chart. 482.186934340515 619.254615164132 l 516.947156278589 608.294759285893 l 430.926887151073 427.949514654756 l endstream 370.06091729809 516.510050329749 l 463.024352625588 100.243594974018 l 370.547810463173 530.452846326765 l 398.066019966134 589.465837045899 l 415.536096498497 283.867056794542 l 566.126169593832 492.4362644183 l In this pie graphs worksheet, students solve 10 different problems that include reading a pie graph. endstream 0 0 1 rg 395.68551745226 266.913060635885 l 569.93908270191 516.51005032975 l 376.64195735028 235.83679495453 l BT /F1 12 Tf 256.74 455 Td (___________) Tj ET 403.086939364114 594.314482547739 l 469.999999999999 620 l 476.975647374413 619.756405025982 l Reading Beyond the Data Some questions about data in graphs ask you to extend, predict, or infer an answer using your own prior knowledge and experience. 430.926887151072 612.050485345244 l /Name /F1 Tj ET Pets Reading Pie (Circle) Graphsapplication/pdfPie and Circle Graphs and Circle Graphs Check your answers seem right. 470 520 m 463.024352625587 619.756405025982 l 439.098300562506 424.894348370485 l Q 378.64545423574 159.32633569242 l 457.813065659486 100.745384835868 l Taxi Company: Reading a Pictograph * Reading a Bar Graph * Getting to School * Popular Juice: Practice Reading a Bar Graph * Go Runners: Practice Reading a Bar Graph * Line Graphs * Bar Graph Worksheet Line Graph * Height Graph: Predictions Comparing Data Between Groups Collecting Data & Graphing: Student Age Certificate of Completion Answer Sheets Based on the pie in line with Common Core State Standards grade 6 ratio and calculations... 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