0000056710 00000 n
0000000953 00000 n
Bayer Environmental Science, a Division of Bayer CropScience LP, 5000 CentreGreen Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC 27513. 0000001364 00000 n
432-1363. If that is a concern, consider choosing Tempo Ultra SC formulation. Tempo is a brand of insecticide created by the Bayer Corp. Its active ingredients include cyfluthrin, cyano, methyl and dimethyl-cyclopropanecarboxylate. *For SPOT, CRACK AND CREVICE APPLICATIONS, mix 8 milliliters Tempo® SC Ultra in one gallon of water to make a 0.025% active ingredient concentration. To spray the lawn, mix 0.135 to 0.270 ounces to 1 gallon of water to treat 1,000 square feet of lawn. Tempo SC Ultra (Cyfluthrin, cyano 11.8%) is an effective general purpose spray for both indoor and outdoor applications, including trees, lawns, shrubs, etc. From mosquitoes to bed bugs to ants, this insecticide concentrate will be powerful enough to kill any insect on contact and keep them away from the sprayed area for a while. 2. *For GENERAL SURFACE APPLICATION, use 8 mililiters of Tempo SC Ultra per 1000 square feet in sufficient water to adequately cover the area being treated. 0000003296 00000 n
Beta-Cyfluthrin (Tempo SC Ultra - 0.27 to 0.54 fl oz per 1 gallon of Water) for application to empty bin surfaces only, not to grain. A pump-type handheld sprayer with an adjustable wand works well for mixtures of 1 to 2 gallons. 0000008844 00000 n
ANIMART is your source for Tempo SC Ultra. Mix 8 milliliters of Tempo® SC Ultra Premise Spray in one gallon of water to make a dilution of 0.025% active ingredient concentration (under conditions of severe pest infestation or when quicker knock-down and/or longer residual control is needed use 16 milliliters of Tempo ® SC Note: This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. HOW TO APPLY ⢠General surface spot, mist, or crack & crevice application. RE-APPLY 0000006935 00000 n
Set the sprayer for a coarse spray. Tempo SC Ultra is a premise Insecticide. What Do Users Have To Say About Tempo SC Ultra? ⢠Broadcast application to turf and foliar application to ornamentals. Tempo WP and Tempo WSP are non- staining, long lasting, and safe when applied according to directions. 432-1363 0000009389 00000 n
with water. and 900-ml. Tempo SC Ultra Concentrate, by Bayer Animal Health, offers broad spectrum control of crawling and flying pests, including those infesting wood of indoor and outdoor surfaces. 1 packet treats up to 10,000 sq. Mix 8 ml of Tempo insecticide with 1 gallon of water for small infestations. 0000008612 00000 n
Use 1 Tablespoon (16 milliliters) of Tempo SC Ultra Pest Control Concentrate per 1,000 sq. Tempo SC Ultra Pest Concentrate is intended for use as a general surface, spot, or crack and crevice spray in and around buildings and structures and their immediate surroundings. Use Sites: Indoors, Outdoors: Time to Kill: Tempo SC Ultra has a quick knockdown but does not kill insects instantly. precautions. May be used in and around livestock buildings, dairy barns and horse stables. The general rule is that while spraying you keep children or pets in another room or outside to play. Tempo Ultra WP 420 gram 03408586H 190701AV1 ETL 082519.qxp_Tempo Ultra WP 420 gram 03408. Tempo SC Ultra insecticide is the perfect product to help you rid of more than 100 different insect species. À?Vw.o,âC¶~!/XçÏkF³2¨ðEͨ F®}²êBÅ:QÇËß[Ý Tempo SC Ultra Pest Control Concentrate. MIXING INFORMATION ⢠Mix the appropriate amount of Tempo SC Ultra with water. bottles. It is odorless, and very safe to use around children or pets. Yield: Tempo SC Ultra makes up to 30 gallons of finished spray solution, treating up to 30,000 sq.ft. If you're using Tempo Ultra water-soluble packets, add one packet to 5 gallons of water and mix well. Chlorpyrifos-methyl and deltamethrin (Storcide II â 1.8 fl oz per 1 gallon of water) Warning-This insecticide should only be applied from outside the bin using automated spray equipment. Do not exceed label rates. Contains 11.8% beta-cyfluthrin. Spray pressure should not exceed 50 PSI at the nozzle tip when used indoors. MIXING INFORMATION ⢠Mix the appropriate amount of Tempo SC Ultra with water. Mix the appropriate amount of Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide. Itâs easier to use, less messy to handle, needs less agitation and is more evenly dispersed during application. Remove pets and family members from the area where you are going to mix and use the Tempo insecticide. 0000005517 00000 n
Follow the most restrictive of labeling directions and . 0000007782 00000 n
0000056641 00000 n
The formulated product contains 11.8% Beta cyfluthrin and is available in 240-ml. Contains 11.8% Beta-cyfluthurin for fast knockdown with residual control up to four weeks. 0000004773 00000 n
Å May tank mix with other pesticides currently ... See Table 1 for mixing directions. 0000001183 00000 n
Tempo ® SC Ultra Premise Spray is intended to be mixed with water and applied with hand pressurized, power operated sprayers or foam generating equipment. 0000010707 00000 n
ft. in 1 gallon of water to adequately cover the area being treated, but which will not allow dripping or run off to occur. (240 ml size) MIXING â¢Mix the appropriate amount of Tempo SC Ultra with INFORMATION water. ⢠Broadcast application to turf and foliar application to ornamentals. It contains harsh chemicals that are harmful to both pets and humans. Mix 32 ml concentrate in 2 gallons water; 2 gallon spray treats 2,000 sq ft. Can reapply at 10-day intervals if necessary.View Manufacturer and/or Label Information: Tempo® SC Ultra Pest Control Concentrate 0000008755 00000 n
HOW TO APPLY ⢠General surface spot, mist, or crack & crevice application. Tempo SC Ultra is registered with EPA Reg. Outdoor Perimeter Pests: Tempo SC Ultra at maintenance rate of 8 ml/1,000 sq.ft. 0000000873 00000 n
0000031553 00000 n
Tempo SC Ultra Pest Control Cencentrate from Bayer - an effective broad spectrum insecticide controls crawling, flying and wood-infesting pests, including more than 60 different pests such as flies, ants, fleas, ticks and spiders. Based on one home with 1,000 sq.ft. TEMPO® SC ULTRA INSECTICIDE 1/10 Version 3.0 / USA Revision Date: 02/22/2018 102000012497 Print Date: 07/03/2018 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product identifier Trade name TEMPO® SC ULTRA INSECTICIDE Product code (UVP) 06523803 SDS Number 102000012497 EPA Registration No. Tempo® SC Ultra insecticide delivers the power of a powder formulation in a liquid. The active ingredient, cyfluthrin, is highly effective and a stabilized pyrethroid insecticide. TEMPO SC ULTRA Insecticide or allow it to drift onto crops ... Å Mix the appropriate amount of Tempo SC Ultra with water. #8ÍÆ¥ô¤Z®º®v`Õ\ÿ2 2Ôö]ièUA÷d¥
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Tempo SC Ultra is considered a general use insecticide and is labeled for outside and inside use. @çÉÛ«m䣢èiÐÜmØÅuÌò EÚþh/¢téLý$ÅÑBÖô$ Tempo SC Ultra will last 3 to 5 years when stored in a cool, dry place. For additional product information, call toll-free 1-800-331-2867. www.environmentalscience.bayer.us. ft outdoors Broadcast application to turf and foliar application to ornamentals. Tempo SC Ultra is a highly rated product with largely positive reviews from a ⦠No. always read and follow label instructions. j£y®»ÜtDýÇ ?í6¡h. ⢠May tank mix with other pesticides currently registered for similar uses, unless specifically prohibited. Tempo SC Ultra is a suspension concentrate that delivers the power of a powder formulation in a liquid. For use in and around buildings, including dairy barns, milking parlors, hospital pens, clinics, chutes and horse stables. *For SPOT, CRACK AND CREVICE APPLICATIONS, mix 8 mililiters Tempo SC Ultra in one gallon of water to make a 0.025% active ingredient concentration. *For GENERAL SURFACE APPLICATION, use 8 milliliters of Tempo® SC Ultra per 1000 square feet in sufficient water to adequately cover the area being treated. trailer<<38530010bd71bb86aadcf0cc28f1cb15>]
42 0 obj
64 0 obj<. Ants, wasps, spiders and even bedbugs are no match against this insecticide. Tempo SC Ultra effectively controls over 100 different types of indoor, outdoor, turf and ornamental insect pests. Make applications in accordance with those label instructions which are the same for each product. Mix a diluted spray by mixing 1 Tablespoon (16 milliliters) of Tempo SC Ultra Pest Control Concentrate in one gallon of water. Tempo Ultra WP and Tempo Ultra WSP leave a white powdery film that is often noticeable on dark surfaces. Active ingredient distributes evenly during application and stays in suspension without re-agitation. 0000009874 00000 n
0000010890 00000 n
You must, however, use this product properly. 0000006274 00000 n
It features a low odor, non-staining formula with quick knockdown and a long residual life. Add the appropriate amount of product when filling sprayer tank with water, shake or agitate as necessary to mix. For use in and around livestock premises, barns, stables and other animal facilities, indoors or outdoors. Prepare the tank mix using the label rate of adulticide and Tekko Pro by adding the adulticide first and making sure it is well mixed and in suspension, then adding the correct amount of Tekko Pro according to the label instructions below. â¢May tank mix with other pesticides currently regi- stered for similar uses, unless specifically prohibited. Å For fire ants and flying pests 0.025% -- 8 ml (0.27 fl oz) /gal water Tempo Ultra WSP Usage. Mix 8 milliliters of Tempo® SC Ultra Premise Spray in one gallon of water to make a dilution of 0.025% active ingredient concentration (under conditions of severe pest infestation or when quicker knock-down and/or longer residual control is needed use 16 milliliters of Tempo ® SC %PDF-1.2
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41 24
0000000016 00000 n
Add the appropriate amount of product while filling the sprayer with water, and shake to mix. Even though it has been approved by the EPA, using the necessary precautions before applying is necessary. Professional results against most flying and crawling pests. 0000004083 00000 n
0000031729 00000 n
Tempo is an insecticide that kills both indoor and outdoor insects. 1V}ÂWzw0$ h÷åûõ+¦k( ý«àpù¼ Âd:È%sxgh«ï:3üÔ²Ê~Î}dÆîéòÑ[Í8°ÐGu^áuªVú´oV©rUê¥úñõ3ã,ÿ´øƲ
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