These include skiing in nearby Glenshee and relaxed golf on the beautifully picturesque 18 hole Braemar golf course. veal escalope, which was beautifully cooked, or it had been in April. The engine is beautifully tuned and will pull from almost nothing well into the high fives. (31) Iceland is full of hot springs, beautifully coloured rocks, and other natural wonders. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. In lieu of the grasses, you could just opt for leaves in the beautifully rich fall colors. Beautifully maintained playing fields, an indoor sports hall, 25m swimming pool, tennis courts. Listen to the haunting and beautifully played panpipes and flutes from this Andean country. There's a wide range of entertainments for every taste, all within a beautifully serene environment. It appears then that my goal of simple makeup lends itself beautifully to Bobbi Brown's collection. I have in my mind's eye the western, indented with deep bays, the bolder northern, and the beautifully scalloped southern shore, where successive capes overlap each other and suggest unexplored coves between. Beautifully definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. It is beautifully situated on rising ground on the N.E. I go for the " fancy " veal escalope, which was beautifully cooked, or it had been in April. She oozes character and natural ability, has top dressage bloodlines, and moves beautifully. 1. The store carries a wide selection of solid wood furniture beautifully handcrafted by Amish master craftsmen. H. nobilis var. (in a beautiful way) meravigliosamente avv avverbio : Descrive o specifica il significato di un verbo, di una frase, o di parti del discorso: "Sostammo brevemente " - "Ho tirato la palla lontano " usually set in at an angle with the former, sometimes trifid and occasionally beautifully feathery (fig. Beaver, a beautifully restored paddle wheeler. These elderly patrons paid their bills, didn't trash their rooms and, to a person, were breathlessly enthralled with the … In general appearance flying-squirrels resemble ordinary squirrels, although they are even more beautifully [[col]oured. Posted by on October 19, 2020 in Uncategorized. This plant has beautifully variegated leaves. The most striking represents the burial of Christ and is sheltered by a stone structure, the front of which is beautifully carved. This great action scene, done so beautifullyby Molina, once again elevates the movie. Here, time, setting and atmosphere are beautifully evoked. St Mary's church, with a beautifully carved roof, was erected in the earlier part of the 15th century, and contains the tomb of Mary Tudor, queen of Louis XII. Children will love feeding the pelican with the beautifully made plush sea creatures including a shrimp, octopus, crab and fish. Butler's British Birds with their Nests and Eggs (6 vols., 1896), the various -editions of Howard Saunders's Manual of British Birds, and Lord Lilford's beautifully illustrated Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands (1885-1897). Sailfish Cottage - A beautifully renovated Grade II listed fisherman 's cottage situated in the heart of the Downalong area of St Ives. Featuring quality posts and a sturdy ladder this versatile bunk has beautifully turned posts and spindles finished in quality pine to produce a.. . Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases. They stand near the right bank of the upper Wharfe, the valley of which is beautifully wooded and closely enclosed by hills. The day had gone beautifully, and the sight of Evelyn's beaming, glowing face stuck in her head. The corridor is beautifully ornamented by figures in stucco, of the royal lineage from the Tudors to our time. above the river, with wide, beautifully shaded streets. features a ramp for your rabbits easy access to ground level. She has the most beautifully held arabesques that seem to stretch and lift upwards for ever. Learn the definition of the word "beautifully" and how to use beautifully in a sentence. raspberry Note: Heaven scented nose of ripe, fresh crushed raspberries and morello cherry intertwining beautifully with earthy, mushroomy aromas. It is beautifully proportioned and remains without doubt the world's most elegant skyscraper. All Rights Reserved. Show the guests in your home your patriotism by creating a collage of antique American flags beautifully displayed on your walls. Hoverfly flowers, small flowers which are beautifully coloured with radiating streaks pointing to a sharply-defined centre in which is the nectar, as in Veronica chamaedrys (fig. Fans of Alex Raymond, Mac Raboy, or Wally Wood should not miss this beautifully bound hardcover, the second Magnus archival collection. The first overall award presented was a beautifully polished walking stick for the oldest bowman which went to George Webb of Purple Haze. There 's a wide range of entertainments for every taste, all within a beautifully serene environment. We have a beautiful T.V. Having four double bedrooms, master with en suite, main bathroom beautifully furbished with jacuzzi style bath. Salpiglossis sinuata: half-hardy, 2 to 3 ft., yellow, purple, crimson, &c.; much varied and beautifully veined. The anterior wings, when present, are always small; but the posterior wings are sometimes of large size and very beautifully coloured. Custom furnishings and accessories are the ultimate in luxury, but if your budget is small, there are still options that will make your home look beautifully tailored. The Kokka, a monthly magazine richly and beautifully illustrated and edited by Japanese students, has reached its 223rd number; the Shimbi Daikan, a colossal album containing chromoxylographic facsimiles of celebrated examples in every branch of art, has been completed in 20 volumes; the masterpieces of KOrin and Motonobu have been reproduced in similar albums; the masterpieces of the Ukiyo-e are in process of publication, and it seems certain that the Japanese nation will ultimately be educated to such a knowledge of its own art as will make for permanent appreciation. After being sick for three days, a little bit of make-up seemed to beautify the face of the teenager. Beautifully situated at the head of the Teign estuary, the town grew rapidly in the 19th century. These pencils allow the wearer to fill in uneven spaces and balance out the brow beautifully. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. HORTEN, a seaport of Norway, in Jarlsberg-Laurvik amt (county), beautifully situated on the west bank of the Christiania Fjord, opposite Moss, 38 m. The fur is remarkable for the preponderance of the beautifully soft woolly under-fur, the longer stiffer hairs being scanty. There were men and women, but no children at all, and the folks were all beautifully formed and attractively dressed and had wonderfully handsome faces. The stomachers are most beautifully worked. He carried the humour and sub-acidity of discrimination which marked his criticism of fellow folk-lorists into the discussion of purely literary subjects in his Books and Bookmen (1886), Letters to Dead Authors (1886), Letters on Literature (1889), &c. His Blue Fairy Tale Book (1889), beautifully produced and illustrated, was followed annually at Christmas by a book of fairy tales and romances drawn from many sources. It is beautifully situated on the right bank of the Wey, xII. This is one of the most beautifully shot films I have seen, thanks to the legendary cinematographer Nestor Almendros. Lake Champlain, which lies beautifully in the valley between the Green and Adirondack mountains, belongs mostly to Vermont. It is beautifully situated on high ground among the wooded undulations of the North Downs, above the valley of the river Darent. distant, in Little Conjeeveram, is the Varadaraja-swami Vaishnava temple, also containing a hall of pillars, beautifully carved, and possessing a wonderfully rich treasury of votive jewels. And there are some exceptionally strong and beautifully melodic and moving ballads such as 'I'll Know ' . On the Thursday before Easter a special church service is celebrated, and the wells are beautifully ornamented with flowers, prayers being offered at each. The face of the men is of a fine oval, forehead prominent but seldom high, straight nose, eyes deep set, black and brilliant, mouth well formed, but with rather full lips, regular teeth beautifully made, and bea~rd usually black and curly but scanty. A beautifully designed chandelier hung in the room. beautifully synonyms, beautifully pronunciation, beautifully translation, English dictionary definition of beautifully. Grounds - two acres of beautifully maintained lawned grounds where you can picnic, play ball games and let the children run free. Times, Sunday Times ( 2016) And indeed he was beautifully behaved. In the various reactions of the tissues against the exciting cause of the injury we see a striking example of a beautifully organized plan of attack and defence on the part of the organism. The pork was beautifullycooked, but the soft Bramley apple slices were very tart and not to my taste. As a modern lighting system, they suit newly built homes beautifully as well as renewed or renovated spaces in existing homes. The nest is a beautifully neat structure, often placed at no great height from the ground, but generally so well hidden by the leafy bough on which it is built as not to be easily found, until, the young being hatched, the constant visits of the parents reveal its site. Gift trugs innovative new gifts for gardeners Finest quality essential garden tools and accessories, beautifully packaged in a wooden presentation trug. Many larvae of Coleoptera are described and beautifully figured by J. 4. There are several species of palms, flowering trees, trees with beautifully coloured foliage, tree ferns, resinous trees and trees bearing tropical fruits. Spiders are represented by a very large number of species, some of which are beautifully coloured. 32. He was beautifully loyal to his mother and his sister Wilhelmina; his letters to the duchess of Gotha are full of a certain tender reverence; the two Keiths found him a devoted friend. A beautifully illustrated book for boosting children's self esteem. First, it is an action verb, expressing a doable activity like kick, want, paint, write, eat, clean, etc. Beautifully in a sentence (esp. GREENORE, a seaport and watering-place of county Louth, Ireland, beautifully situated at the north of Carlingford Lough on its western shore. This is certainly a plausible option, since the entire fairytale theme lends itself beautifully to storytelling. The concert ended with an encore of " An Irish Blessing " a beautifully evocative air. His figure, although slight, was beautifully symmetrical and finely knit. The menu is beautifully animated in keeping with the style of artwork in the film. 2. Lavender, moonstone, and pearlescent hues pair beautifully with maroon and tend to flatter women with pale complexions. Beautifully written, it is a perfect tale of what it is like to be a youngish gay guy. The arches of the Romanesque portal are beautifully ornamented, in a manner suggestive of Arab influence; the bronze doors, executed by Barisanus of Trani in 1175, rank among the best of their period in southern Italy. In addition to curtains, the company also has a line of decorative curtain rods that coordinate beautifully with the drapery panels and sheer curtains. Their house is beautifully decorated. HILDESHEIM, a town and episcopal see of Germany, in the Prussian province of Hanover, beautifully situated at the north foot of the Harz Mountains, on the right bank of the Innerste, 18 m. The city has an attractive situation and is beautifully shaded. MG Classic chronograph watch White - Brown Description: We are delighted to be able to offer this beautifully constructed chronograph watch from MG. zigzag down to the sea past the beautifully planted cascades. Louise dances beautifully around the stage, she is a very graceful mover; surely a legacy of her Arts Ed training. Some neutrals are slightly cool or slightly warm, but they're "in between" enough to wear any color beautifully. 26 and 159), was followed by a second edition in 1841, in which nearly all the corrections of the reviewer were adopted, and in 1844 began the publication of The Genera of Birds, beautifully illustrated - first by Mitchell and afterwards by Mr Wolf - which will always keep Gray's name in remembrance. Fishes were abundant, many of the smaller ganoids are beautifully preserved in an entire condition, other larger forms are represented by fin spines, teeth and bones; Ctenodus, Uronemus, Acanthodes, Cheirodus, Gyracanthus are characteristic genera. Most insect eggs are of an elongate oval shape; some are globular, others flattened, while others again are flask-shaped, and the outer envelope (chorion) is often beautifully sculptured (figs. Amasia), the chief town of a sanjak in the Sivas vilayet of Asia Minor and an important trade centre on the Samsun-Sivas road, beautifully situated on the Yeshil Irmak (Iris). Needless to say, it's helpful to have some high cheekbones of your own if you really want to look the part of Cher, but the right colors and technique will help you fake it beautifully. The Reptilia include countless numbers of alligators in the Guayas and its tributaries and in the tide-water channels of many of the smaller rivers; many species of lizards, of which Mr Whymper found three in the Quito basin; snakes of every description from the huge anaconda of the Amazon region down to the beautifully marked coral snake; and a great variety of frogs and toads. The French porcelaine, from which the word comes into English, is an adaptation of the Italian porcellana, a cowrie-shell, the beautifully polished surface of which caused the name to be applied to the ware. in length, is of a pale yellowish-brown, beautifully variegated with large oval spots of deep brown, with a white edging. Celts, of the usual late neolithic type, were generally of green jasper; hoe-blades (looking almost exactly like palaeolithic haches a main) of chert or coarse limestone; hammers of granite; mace-heads, of identical type with the early Egyptian, of diorite and limestone; nails of obsidian or smoky quartz, often beautifully made. The resin contains, in addition to the beautifully preserved plant-structures, numerous remains of insects, spiders, annelids, crustaceans and other small organisms which became enveloped while the exudation was fluid. While sending out several different types of wedding invitation cards is usually out of the question (not to mention economically unwise), you can rest assured that the style you do end up using will really reflect the theme beautifully. : Leigh was considered to be one of the most beautiful actresses of her day, and her directors emphasised this in most of her films. He was warmly received, particularly in his slow, beautifully sculpted solo. Among the seafaring population of Britain the name "dolphin" is most usually given to the beautifully coloured fish Coryphaena hip pun s - the dorado of the Portuguese, and it is to the latter the poet is alluding when he speaks of "the dying dolphin's changing hues.". —Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Suggested by … The company offers some very elegant and beautifully hand-crafted floor medallions. It includes the Zoological Garden, is beautifully laid out and forms one of the most attractive features of Adelaide. The wedding ceremony went beautifully, with only minor hitches. Have your favorite piece of music beautifully arranged, or choose from our extensive repertoire of classical, jazz, pop or rock music. She was beautifully made-up, beautifully groomed. The key to applying your eye makeup beautifully is to practice often, try out a number of different techniques and to take your time. In the meantime we have Phoenix House, their beautifully understated contribution to London's ever growing number of serviced apartments. The rhinestone earrings she had on were fine, but the rubies gave a pop of color that complimented the outfit beautifully. Stunning floor to ceiling images on beautifully subtle contemporary wallpapers created just for you. Beautifully in a sentence. A sweeping driveway with beautifully manicured grounds leads to the entrance. Another common feature is that both include a beautifully melodic setting of the Pie Jesu featuring a solo soprano. pantile shape, so it blended beautifully with the rest of Kelsey Hall. This freezes beautifully in single serving containers. His hair was brown rather than white-blond, his beautiful eyes deep set and large. Even simple or inexpensive favors leave a good impression when they are packaged beautifully. Coordination: Many couples have at least some photographs taken outdoors to commemorate their wedding day, and the rich hues of trees, flower beds, and autumn lawns will coordinate beautifully with fall floral arrangements. Photos of white wedding picture frames can beautifully depict wedding in a symbolic and wonderful way. POTSDAM, a town of Germany, the administrative capital of the Prussian province of Brandenburg, and one of the principal residences of the German Emperor, beautifully situated on the river Havel, 16 m. The ruins of this, beautifully situated in a wooded valley, are extensive, and mainly of fine transitional Norman and Early English date, acquiring additional picturesqueness from the warm colour of the red sandstone of which they are built. & "She sang her piece beautifully. First, you need to understand the definition of Transitive and Intransitive. Correct spelling, explanation: this adverb is created by adding suffix -ly to the adjective beautiful.By adding it the consonant l is doubled. A red sash or subtle blue beading is beautifully traditional, but different colored wedding dresses should really break the common mold. GLOUCESTER, a city and port of entry of Essex county, Massachusetts, U.S.A., beautifully situated on Cape Ann. At first sight this singular structure appears so like a deformity that writers have not been wanting to account it such, 2 ignorant of its being a piece of mechanism most beautifully adapted to the habits of the bird, enabling it to extract with the greatest ease, from fir-cones or fleshy fruits, the seeds which form its usual and almost invariable food. This type of fabric is very traditional, and works beautifully in French country-style interiors, traditional interiors or Old World decors. Top searched words The last three places, all beautifully situated - the first at the base of Pike's Peak, the second in the Clear Creek Canyon, and the third at the junction of the Roaring Fork with the Grand river - have an especially high repute. I discovered I do n't like sea slug, however beautifully cooked. of the centre is Roundhay Park, a tract of 70 beautifully laid out and containing a picturesque lake. It is black with natural white tassels and a beautifully polished cantle. Bake cupcakes in elegant wrappers or present them in beautifully cut paper holders. In spiderwort (Tradescantia virginica) the hairs are beautifully coloured, moniliform or necklace-like, and afford good objects for studying rotation of the protoplasm. EXAMPLES FROM THE WEB FOR BEAUTIFULLY They look so beautifully, if it only were not necessary to eat them. This beautifully soft velvet baby pouch brings a touch of luxury to carrying your baby. Beautifully situated close to the broad sweep of Whitley Bay 's golden sands.... More correctly it was a terrine of confit rabbit, beautifully slowly cooked so that the meat was meltingly tender. beautifully adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." It's also beautifully detailed with a sash and matching bow. RACHEL; Next up was Rachel who brought us stunning vocals coupled with two beautifully expressive songs. The Great Pond remains a beautifully tranquil spot and is currently home to a pair of swans. It was a description of the Outer Banks. The country north of the Ganges is level, but beautifully diversified with trees and verdure. In fact, the phrase itself stands as a sentence. The upper part of the tower is ornamented with green and blue tiles and the entrance arch is beautifully carved. Farther south is the park of Topchider, with an old Turkish kiosk built for Prince Milosh (1818-1839) in the beautifully laid-out grounds. Roslin Castle is romantically situated on the beautifully wooded precipitous banks of the Esk. Highgate birch The contemporary styling, with smoothly curved corners, works beautifully with the solid birch framed door design. Our cottage was a sort of rough camp, beautifully situated on the top of the mountain among oaks and pines. It is built on a level plain surrounded by low, gently sloping and beautifully wooded hills. It is beautifully wooded and through it runs the Spruit. Even the usually bored Dawkinses ooh-ed and aah-ed appropriately but the brothers seemed more interested in the locale of the various shots than the scenery and flora so beautifully presented. The valley soon becomes beautifully wooded. There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, by Pam Adams is a beautifully illustrated book of the folk song that many grew up with. The black and white stripes of the comforter or duvet can work beautifully with the rich black of the sheets. Even wet, her hair cascaded in a full mane that framed her face beautifully. German Translation of “beautifully” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. rerouteevitalisation project included the rerouting of two rivers and the building of beautifully landscaped pedestrian walkways and Venetian-style footbridges. A beautifully animated story designed to help children recognize the time with a variety of time pieces. The island is beautifully diversified with hill and dale, and well watered with numerous small streams, of which the most considerable is the Tungkiang, falling into the harbour of Tinghai. The walls of the old town have given place to a broad boulevard and several open commons, beautifully laid out. This cat, often called the clouded tiger, is beautifully marked, and has an elongated head and body, long tail and rather short limbs. versatile bunk has beautifully turned posts and spindles finished in quality pine to produce a.. . The beautifully turned wooden altar candlesticks were also created by Malcolm and presented to the Church. Ruins -of an Augustinian priory, founded in 1129, are beautifully situated near the eastern extremity of the town. It was all so beautifully simple. It is important to shape your brows properly in order to beautifully frame your eyes. The town is beautifully situated, being flanked on the east and south by hills exceeding 1000 ft. fairy the flying, fairies, lagoon, etc. Orange Power: Sea buckthorn berries Beautifully orange-coloured sea buckthorn berries have been in the focus of European research. I, on the other hand, found this film very romantic and beautifully shot, the acting is really good! GRUNBERG, a town of Germany, in Prussian Silesia, beautifully situated between two hills on an affluent of the Oder, and on the railway from Breslau to Stettin via Kiistrin, 36 m. Tipperary, Ireland, in the south parliamentary division, beautifully situated on the river Suir at the foot of the Galtee Mountains. The children behaved beautifully. Crystal and glass table lamps will also add sophistication to a room while beautifully reflecting the light. Lower Euclid Avenue (the old country road to Euclid, 0., and Erie, Pa.) is given up to commercial uses; the eastern part of the avenue has handsome houses with spacious and beautifully ornamented grounds, and is famous as one of the finest residence streets in the country. Clean aerodynamics The distinctive front cowling is beautifully sculptured around the radiator with its chrome surround and incorporates built-in direction indicators. Aubenas is beautifully situated on the slope of a hill, on the right bank of the Ardeche, but its streets generally are crooked and narrow. It is beautifully situated on the east coast of the peninsula of the ancient Calabria. (34) The white dress showed off her dark skin beautifully. (35) You inspired me by playing the piano so beautifully. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It consists of a single figure, seated on a throne, beautifully modelled both in form, drapery and ornaments, with the face turned to one side and the arms outstretched, and is reproduced by H. Wandsworth Common and Clapham Common (220 acres) lie partly within the borough, but the principal public recreation ground is Battersea Park, bordering the Thames between Albert and Victoria Bridges, beautifully laid out, containing a lake and subtropical garden, and having an area of nearly 200 acres. There was one sentence I recall moving me…knocking me out of the story, making me reread and read a passage…in Pat Conroy’s The Prince of Tides. I came down beautifully, like a ride in a fair. Therefore beautifully is the correct spelling, and it is incorrect to spell beautifuly with one l.. The old palace with beautifully decorated courts in fair repair, built by Mohammed XVII., is a prominent object above the town, and there are many interesting buildings and ruins. Susanne Heinrich's playing displays a broad tonal palette and beautifully fluid playing. It was all so beautifully simple. Whitby is beautifully situated at the mouth and on both banks of the River Esk; the old town of narrow streets and picturesque houses standing on the steep slopes above the river, while the modern residential quarter is mainly on the summit of West Cliff. Colors and fabrics gift box and tied with a stylish heart-shaped aluminum incense.! Ornamented dice and draughtsmen, masses of gay beads, are abundantly and rounded!, parties and dinner dates daytime and evening wear fire places cooked, it... Beautifully figured by J whose touch has been beautifully furnished bedrooms have oak four-poster beds and comfortable areas. In nearby Glenshee and relaxed golf on the border of the centre is Roundhay park, beautifully! With only minor hitches the baby Advanced well and Jane beautifully birthed her 11 lb 12 oz baby girl my! 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