More often than not, it'll be the seller laughing all the way to the bank rather than you, the buyer. Unfortunately, thousands of fake coins are sold every month on eBay. Many fakes are listed every day on eBay. Therefore, do not trust a coin dealer even if he is selling his coins in a fancy plastic holder. Even though ebay rules restrict replicas of coins, they do not follow through with this rule. Embedded in the money is a tiny piece of coal found near the wreckage. I think naturally toned coins are so beautiful, but manually toned coins are like collecting fake $20 bills. Replies. The fact is that all ebay cares is that they follow the laws passed down to them by our trusty government . Good news for you that you can identify those fake coins. I am an avid Ancient Coin seller / hobbyist and when I look at eBay's Ancient Coins listings I see hundreds of fake coins listed right now. Mike Margolis, Jul 13, 2017 #16 + Quote Reply. Ebay is flooded with fakes lately. Filter. If the seller refuses to stop the auction or change the description, write to the administrators of the auction site. The reason is that under current U.S. banking laws, you always have the final say on that money when you use a credit card. Find great deals on eBay for fake gold coin. I purchased one of the fake coins from each of four sellers based in Poland, examined them, showed them to a coin expert, confirmed they were fake and registered a return with the sellers (in reality all four of … joej132 Posts: 87 September 15, 2020 10:10AM in U.S. These are immediately removed when reported by the brand rights owner under eBay's VERO scheme. Fake coins have been around as long as coins. Restitution for Fake eBay Goods . Genuine ancient Chinese coins are some of the most fascinating and low-cost ancient coins on the market, but with so many fakes coming out of China it is very dangerous to your pocketbook to collect them unless you know your stuff. Copyright © 1995-2021 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. bpeaslee 8 posts. Following this guideline will prevent you from becoming a victim 90% of the time since 90% of all fake coins on eBay come from Chinese sellers. If the seller has done transactions with buyers based in China or Hong Kong, do not buy coins from them! If you have evidence, such as a fake coin you have bought from this individual, you need to go to the Police or a governmental consumer protection agency and lay the evidence before them. This person had an MBA from a top school back East. We all know how wheat pennies "jump" to the ends of rolls. I do not agree that the worst offenders cannot be flagged, as many have not one genuine piece for sale. … Susan is an avid coin collector of over 30 years, and has written 150 articles for The Spruce. Almost all of these buyers will then not leave negative feedback. Give support, share information, and connect with fellow members. a visual guide by Augi Garcia . Selling counterfeit coins on eBay is strictly against eBay policy and will get you banned from ever selling on eBay again. C $89.37. The third categorical value is mixed. Upload the photos to the discussion board. Shop by category. When you buy coins, look to see where the person is shipping the coin from. Shop by category. I bought some counterfeit pandas directly from China a few years ago and now know what to look for in a fake. Shop with confidence. Therefore, they are selling the coin "as is.". Ebay does not care about fake coins. Due to the high number of fakes in the coin category and EBay reluctance to remove the fakes even after reporting them its my opinion that EBay is encouraging selling fakes on their platform. They're just happy to get their money back. Shop with confidence. It's trivial for a fakeseller to work the system to get bad feedback removed and if the people buying their coins were savvy enough to recognize them as fakes they wouldn't be buying them in the first place, so most leave good feedback and move on, never realizing they bought a fake. The majority of antiques, antiquities, and collectibles listed on eBay are misrepresented or misidentified, some innocently and some intentionally. On eBay, I recommend buying only certified gold and silver coins graded and encapsulated by PCGS, NGC, ANACS or ICG. His eBay account "****3353" is cheating other collectors' coins and claims for the refund. If the merchandise is fake, report the listing to eBay and let them take action to enforce their policies. Selling counterfeit coins on eBay is strictly against eBay policy and will get you banned from ever selling on eBay again. or Best Offer +C $21.03 shipping. Anything and everything of value has been faked. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. 2,851 Views so bottom line ebay is not good for coins , atleast I guess and hence I decided to not sell as its a platform for ametures or fake sellers or certified coins sellers. As long as ebay tells you about selling limits(of course they keep track of everything but for you on the site) it is your responsibility to follow the narrowly written laws. Recently I purchased some Silver Eagles on ebay from a private seller. hi Ebay, I see many sellers listing fake Indian coins. If coin collectors would follow these five simple steps, not only would they not get saddled with fakes, they'd help put the counterfeiters out of business! Even so, there are people who can make fakes that can fool experts. On account "*****.us2013" is selling fake and uncertificated coins. Here is one I outed today. Shop from the world's largest selection and best deals for Novelty Coins. Its a crime to mint or sell fake curency and coins. Fake Coins On EBay. But credit card transactions can always be charged back as a last resort. The Spruce Crafts uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. 3 talking about this. On ebay however, they have a very confusing set up. With 25 million sellers and over a billion listings, eBay couldn't police them, even if it wanted to. Thank you. Shop with confidence on eBay!