Red yucca are sometimes called false yucca, or Hesperaloe. The narrow leaves at the base usually cover an area 2' high and 3' wide. The constant temperature should be between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and the warmer it is, the better. Their leaves are long and pointed, but don’t have the razor-sharp quality of other yuccas. During this time the plant will begin to grow larger, and the roots will begin to grow deep into the pots that you have them in. Temperatures should be between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit (15-21 C) for germination. You can also grow a yucca plant indoors, and spineless varieties such as Y. elephantipes, are popular houseplants. However, I have one that is growing a stalk for the first time and it seems to be infested with small sesame seed sized bugs. Life Cycle / Plant Type: Indoor Plant, Perennial, Succulents and Cacti Plant Details. Place the seeds in a warm area, that is between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (21 and 27 degrees Celsius) but out of direct sunlight. How to Germinate Red Yucca Seeds. Fill a 4 to 6-inch diameter pot with a mix 75% potting soil and 25% sand, hand mix soil and sand and gentle moisten the soil before transferring. Find an area that gets plenty of sunlight, but still some times of shade. Use flats for planting yucca seeds indoors. Start the seeds indoors when you start your other transplants or wait until the danger of frost has passed and soil has warmed to 55 degrees. This plant is a hardy, woodsy perennial that grows to about 18 to 20 inches, producing beautiful white flowers atop straight stems with sword-like leaves. Order Your Sacred Plant Co Red Yucca Seeds. If starting from seed, soak them for 24 hours before hand and sow them about one or two seed-lengths deep.®, founded in 1995, is the leading independent Transplant the yucca in the spring after the frost has left the ground. Red yucca, however, produces several pups (new plants formed adjacent to the parent plant) and has finer leaves than true yucca giving it a more grass-like appearance. However, it grows very slowly. Change Zip Code. This way you can also water them in the hot afternoon sun. However, your plant will have a much better chance of success if you keep the roots healthy and happy, so as it grows, you will need to keep transplanting it into progressively bigger pots. Prep your planting space. Yucca aloifolia Growing and Care Guide. Remove spent bloom stalks for a neat appearance. A hardy plant that is drought- and cold-tolerant, red yucca sports grassy, clumping foliage and bright flowers that bring color and texture to the landscape. This plant's tapering leaves grow from a central crown to produce a clumping effect. Growing Hesperaloe parviflora is pretty easy from seed. If you want to harvest the seed, wait until the pods dry completely on the plant, then cut off the entire stalk and break the pods open to collect the seeds. It will grow well in poor soil, and in polluted urban conditions. The serrated leaves are about 1 ½ to 2 feet long and a mature plant can be about 3 feet across. 1995-2018 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. The foliage is not eaten by deer, and it has no significant pests or diseases. The "red" in red yucca … 5. Yucca roots do not like to be crowded, but will adapt to whatever situation they are in. Other flower colors are available. Grow Beautifully. Unlike a lot of plants, you'll need to start your yucca seeds during the winter indoors. Hi, please see the overhead picture attached. Nickname. Seal off the bag (string works great). Plant it on a slope, to ensure good drainage. All information is provided "AS IS." Submit Review. Fruit: A round seed capsule containing flat, black seeds. to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. The plants often are started from cuttings, although growing yucca from seeds is possible. Spread the red yucca seeds evenly over the top of the cactus soil. This Plant's Growing Zones: 5 - 10. Fill a 4 to 6-inch diameter pot with a mix 75% potting soil and 25% sand, hand mix soil and sand and gentle moisten the soil before transferring. Your climate may be too cold for this plant. Yucca glauca is not just ornamental, but is also a good wildlife plant. Transplant the seedlings in small planting trays. Here are some steps to follow when growing a new yucca plant from seeds. Red yucca, also known as hummingbird yucca, is a perennial plant valued for its large, ornamental flowers, attractive foliage, drought tolerance and ease of care. This great addition to any garden will flower from the middle of summer through to late fall. Protect young, tender plants from rabbits and deer. Step 1 - Start Seeds in Winter. Starting Red Yucca Seeds. The plastic will act to keep in the humidity so that the air remains moist. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer in the spring, before the new growth starts. Review. What is new about this beautiful plant has been the realization of its tolerance to sub-zero winter temperatures! Easily grown in average to lean, well-drained soil. Thin, tough foliage gives it excellent heat, drought and cold protection for Southwest gardens. Although established plants can get by on little water, for better-looking blooms, give them a deep soaking about once every two weeks during the heat of the summer. We're here in NJ. They produce a long, arching foliage that grows to a height of 2 to 3 feet. The Red Yucca plant prefers the soil to have a good amount of sand, though loam or rocky textures aren’t bad either. Flowers: Reddish tubular flowers, with yellow throats, sprout from narrow spikes on pink stalks. Unlike a lot of plants, you'll need to start your yucca seeds during the winter indoors. Wash a flat seed tray with soapy water and rinse in 1 part bleach mixed with 9 parts water. I want to put them in the ground this spring but can't find their low temp tolerance. Remove the seeds from the pods, allow them to dry, and store in a cool dark location for the winter. Yucca seed pods have a hard carapace which will need to soften so the seed can germinate more readily. The soil should never be too wet, meaning that it … Give the planted yucca seeds a sprinkle of water and then set in a sunny and warm spot where … 1. Outdoors, Yucca glauca plants prefer full sun and dry, rocky, low-nutrient soil. Feed with a general purpose fertilizer in the spring, before the new growth starts. Some gardeners soak the seeds overnight before planting. Set them in a part of your home that will get a lot of western sun. Ideally, the plant prefers to be transplanted in Spring or early Summer, when it is in a growth stage. The red yucca plant can be identified by its grass like leaves and pinkish flowers that grow on tall narrow spikes. They need well drained soil with plenty of grit added. You will get the best results planting yucca seed if you scar the seed first. As they drink in the water, the sun will add to the chemical reactions going on inside the plant causing it to grow. They'll be going in a new bed I'm making along with some Sunsparkler Stonecrop. We welcome your comments and You may freely link Hesperaloe parviflora (Texas Red Yucca), a very showy native succulent from southern TX and northeastern Mexico, is not a new plant to cultivation. Step 3 - Water and Place in Warm Spot. Copyright© How to Grow a Yucca from Seeds. After about two to two and a half years the plant will be hardy enough to plant outdoors in the garden. The easiest propagation method involves division of an already mature plant. Place your red yucca seeds into a damp paper towel and place inside a plastic shopping bag. Growing A Red Yucca From Seed In 5 Steps 1. There is a small chance that your yucca can die from a pest infestation but that chance is low. To establish a deep and extensive root system, follow a regular watering schedule during its first growing season. Featuring long and narrow blue-green leaves with deep grooves and white thread-like marginal hair, the plant only grows up to 3’ to 4’ feet tall but spreads up to 6’ feet wide. Red yucca forms clumps and you can divide them in the winter. The yucca plant is a relatively low-maintenance plant and, luckily, that usually extends to pest problems. I found it easy to start red yucca from seed, too. Water regularly in first growing season to establish root system. Questions of a Do It Yourself nature should be Succulents are a family of plants that can be transplanted anytime during the year. I seeded a new lawn patch in the spring and I thought it was coming ok. To establish a deep and extensive root system, follow a regular watering schedule during its first growing season. Summary. Use a light, well draining propagation mix, sow the seeds about 1/4" deep. 1. Put in about a quarter-inch of water on the bottom of the container and place in a very warm area. Spread a 3-inch layer of gravel mulch over the soil surrounding red yucca plants to insulate the soil, increase moisture retention and deter the growth of weeds. After you do this, plant the seeds in a well draining potting mix, like a cactus mix. GROWING INDOORS. suggestions. The quick and convenient guide to growing your red yucca seeds! Red yucca flowers bloom on stalks that can reach 8 feet. It is tolerant of many soil types and very drought tolerant. This is not a real species of yucca, and this bushy shrub has spineless leaves that grow in a rosette shape. Once established, reduce frequency; tolerates moderate dry spells, but prefers periodic water. View our Privacy Policy here. Red yucca seeds require very little attention during the … Scarring the seed means that you gently rub the seed with some sandpaper or a file to “scar” the seed coating. Long, fleshy, evergreen leaves grow up from its base. After you have placed the seed, water them and place them in a warm area. Is it ok to just throw down some seed in this area and water it daily? Red yucca is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 6 through 11. Once started, yucca plants can be grown in pots or planted in the ground outdoors – either directly in your garden or in a specially-prepared raised bed. Red yucca is a stemless, clump-forming plant with grass-like arching and spreading foliage. USA: 8 to 10: UK H3 - hardy to –5°C. You probably will have better luck if you can plant more than four seeds at a time. This soil should be a mixture of 50% sand and 50% organic materials. I've got a couple of Red Yucca that I grew from seed a couple of years ago and have been doing really well in 1gal nursery pots. Water it immediately and mix in some fertilizer into the soil to give it a good start in its new home. This plant doesn’t get pests very often and, when it does, it is usually an easy fix. Each flower bud will produce a seed pod containing many flat, black seeds. Zanthan Gardens History. Mature Size: The flower stalks can grow to 6' high. Do y... Patches of grassy weeds. This yucca-like plant gets its name from the way the bluish-green leaves turn reddish-bronze in cold weather. Tuesday June 4, 2002 Plant 1-gallon red yucca. Make sure not to over water, but keep your new seedlings lightly moist for the first 1-2 weeks. The best way to start a new yucca plant is with yucca seeds. It grows really well in my sunny, gently sloped part of the yard. home improvement and repair website. If you have missed that window of time, and need to move or separate the Red Yucca, go ahead. Red Yucca should be planted in the sunniest part of your garden, in well-drained soil. problems contact Scientific Name: Yucca aloifolia Common Name: Spanish bayonet Growing Zone:. Red yucca prefers full sun, but can take part shade. Prep your planting space. Germination may be variable, but if you plant plenty of the seeds, … What should I do? Red yucca, however, produces several pups (new plants formed adjacent to the parent plant) and has finer and softer leaves than true yucca giving it a more grass-like appearance. The seedlings I started two years ago are only six inches tall. Yucca Seed Pod Propagation. To get the seeds started, place them in a plastic container on top of a paper towel. submitted to our " Community Forums". The "red" in red yucca … After about a month, and up to a year, the seeds will sprout. April 15, 2006 First flower, ever, on the red yucca. Website operating 4. Plant red yucca in full sun in well-drained soil, preferably a bit sandy. All rights reserved. Z1495 Red Yucca ( Hesperaloe parviflora ) This wonderful desert plant attracts humming birds and butterflies, is deer resistant and works extremely well in xeriscapes. More flower stalks are growing as the plant matures. You're reviewing: Brakelights® Red Yucca. Red yucca thrives in … To ensure our content is always up-to-date with current information, best practices, and professional advice, articles are routinely reviewed by industry experts with years of hands-on experience. The serrated leaves are about 1 ½ to 2 feet long and a mature plant can be about 3 feet across. Deceptive name aside, Red Yucca is a very useful plant in many landscapes. Plant Description: Fire-engine red flowers of this compact cultivar begin blooming in early summer and last throughout the season. Plant Red Yucca in full sun in well-drained soil, preferably a bit sandy. Once sprouted transfer red yucca sprouts into your soil/sand mix. I have decided to replace my St Augustine Flortam lawn in Central Florida w... What are some things I can do to determine what type of soil I have? Step 2 - Place in Planting Trays. Germination takes about 2-4 weeks and is quicker if … The yucca plant will need to be kept indoors for at least two years. Love the red yucca! This perennial evergreen blooms from early summer until fall with clusters of red to pink flowers on 5-foot-tall spikes. Red Yucca, (Hesperaloe parvifolia) is a succulent in the Agave family. It takes 4 to 6 weeks for the seeds to germinate. Growing yucca from seeds requires a lot of time and patience. How to Grow a Red Yucca From Its Own Seed Pods Gathering Red Yucca Seed Pods. (Home Depot). Part 1 Bloom: Mid-spring to fall. This is best done indoors instead of direct planting into the soil, as it takes anywhere from a month to a year for the seeds to germinate and if the conditions are not right, they will fail. Desert plants are notorious for being somewhat particular in regards to the soil that they sit in. This removes all debris and eliminates lurking plant ... 2. I w... Clover area with little grass growing on front lawn. SIGN-UP FOR DESIGN INSPIRATION AND UPDATES ON … Yuccas grow easily from seed. Fill each cup with soil and sow the seedlings in the middle of the tray about 1/2-inch into the soil. Feed in early spring. The soil must be a little sandy and loose and be able to hold moisture well. If you have these things to spare, you can have a striking plant ready for your garden. It needs full sun to thrive.