you set one amp to master and the second to slave then you only have to tune the master. Relevance. ct_thebull. Do not strap the amps onto a 1.5ohm load. 3 Answers. 1 … hook up one monoblock per sub at 1ohm setting the first amp to master the second amp to slave, the first amps gain controls the second amps gain...crossover..etc. the only thing you can do is hook rcas from one amp to another if the amp has rca outputs on it. strap the amplifiers together so one amp becomes a positive the other amp becomes a negative. the amps must be the same and it very beneficial to gain match the amps to be sure each coil is getting the same power and the same mono signal as to not try to feed a stereo signal to one speaker. Bridge mode on the amps means the channels that are already part of the same amplifier can be safely combined to provide higher output, but it doesn't not imply any capability of being able to connect separate amps together. Your options wiring the subwoofers together to strap the amps, would be 1.5ohm and 6ohm. you cannot hook up 2 amps together so please do not connect speaker wires from 2 amps to one sub. use a distribution block with 2 short power wires to amps and ground each amp seperate. You can wire two amplifiers, or even multiple amps, in one car audio system, but it takes some extra planning. this could and would be a disaster! Lv 4. With 2 dual 6ohm drivers, you could not wire the subs together into a 3ohm load. hill saide strangla: posted on thursday, june 19, 2003 - 22:44 gmt . Your best option is to run one sub per amplifier at 3ohm. split 2 wires off the remote turn on lead. I have 2 pioneer TS-W307D4 wondering if I can strap two of the same identical amps together and how do I do it? way number 2.wire the subs in series at 2ohm. the only way to "bridge" two amps is if they are "strap-able" and its usually only done with a wire that comes with the amp. 1/ if one of the amps has a dedicated line level output then you may well be able to wire the CD player into that one and then using a pair of phonos, send the signal out to the other amp. 2/ use the tape monitor outputs on one of the amps (if either has them fitted) to the other. Have never tried either of these methods but they "should" work. if your amp did not come with the wire it may not be an option (most amps are not strap-able) And have you upgraded your Big 3, battery, and alternator. Practically speaking, no, it is not possible to combine two separate amplifiers' outputs together. Which means you could not strap your amps to a 3ohm load. Answer Save. the two amps are stable at 2 ohms when starpped ... do not strap, buy the dual 2 sub, and use sub output rca to first sub, then line out an rca to second amp. Running those 2 large amps is going to draw allot of power and a stock set up will just not be able to handle. ok look i know how to strapp 2 amps together but more than that i am lost but this is how u do it. Just make sure that you are not running your ohms to low, they look like they can only handle 2 ohms when they are synced. They must be strapped if possible ending up as one amp anyway, or you feed two amps to two coils on the same sub (one amp per coil).