var sc_click_stat=1; Jones Close - 6/23/20 June 23, 2020, Dow Jones Close - 6/9/20 June 9, 2020 Dow - 9/21/16 - September 21, 2016 Dow Jones Close - 9/12/16 - September 12, 2016Dow Jones Close - 9/9/16 - September 9, 2016Dow Jones Close - 9/8/16 - September 8, 2016 Dow Jones Close Close -. - 1/23/17 - January 23, 2017, Dow Jones Close - 1/20/17 - January 20, 2017, Dow Jones Close Jones Close - 6/12/20 June 12, 2020Dow - 1/17/17 - January 17, 2017Dow Jones Close - 1/16/17 - January 16, 2017 - Stock Market ClosedDow Jones Close - 4/14/20 April 14, 2020Dow - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017, Dow Jones Close - 8/23/17 August 23, 2017, Dow Jones Close - 8/22/17 August 22, 2017, Dow Jones Close - 8/21/17 August 21, 2017, Dow Jones Close - 8/18/17 August 18, 2017, Dow Jones Close Jones Close - 6/15/20 June 15, 2020Dow Jones Close - 4/20/20 April 20, 2020 Dow Jones Close - 4/17/20 April 17, 2020Dow Jones Close - 11/16/20 November 16, 2020, Dow Jones Close - 11/13/20 November 13, 2020, Dow Jones Close - 11/12/20 November 12, 2020, Dow Jones Close - 2/27/20 February 27, 2020Dow - 2/24/17 - February 24, 2017, Dow Jones Close Jones Close - 7/21/20 July 21, 2020 Dow Jones Close - 6/19/20 June 19, 2020, Dow - 9/28/16 - September 28, 2016 Dow Jones Close Jones Close - 4/23/20 April 23, 2020Dow Grow with Streamlabs Open Broadcast Software (OBS), alerts, 1000+ overlays, analytics, chatbot, tipping, merch and more. 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